
Kevin from our company participated in the technical exchange of pyrite acid production in China

Kevin from our company participated in the technical exchange of pyrite acid production in China with INNOVEX and OCP and the inspection of domestic pyrite acid production plants.

On April 24th, we had a technical discussion on acid production from pyrite and cement production from phosphogypsum at the headquarter of Sinopec Nanjing Engineering Co., Ltd.(SNEI) in which SNEI introduced their company's background, the acid production process of pyrite and phosphogypsum as well as the sulfuric acid projects that have been designed and completed. The INNOVEX and OCP also informed about their actual demands. Both sides discussed and made progress on technical details.

And on April 25th, SNEI and our company accompanied INNOVEX and OCP to visit the largest 400,000 tons pyrite acid plant Lianfa Chemical in Yunfu City. From raw materials to boilers to supporting equipment  and had a detailed visit and discussed the issues of interest to both sides in the subsequent discussion.

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